Berkeley Floor Plans


A precision-crafted residential floor plan created by Home Shots, a premier real estate floor plan service operating in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Refine your marketing toolkit with Schematic Floor Plans provided by Home Shots. These plans serve as a valuable asset in your listing presentation, enhancing buyer engagement and boosting sales potential. While photographs and physical visits offer glimpses into the property, a floor plan provides a clear and concise overview of its layout. This tool allows potential buyers to visualize how their furnishings will fit, adding convenience and clarity to their property evaluation.

At Home Shots, we prioritize proactive customer service. Our team is dedicated to delivering fast, reliable, and high-quality real estate floor plans in Berkeley.

To further enhance your property's appeal, we're pleased to offer our Add-On service: a 3D Floor Plan with Materials and Furniture. The former closely mirrors the property's actual materials, providing a sense of its atmosphere. The latter service, available for both furnished and unfurnished properties, enhances visualization by adding or replicating furniture placements. This helps potential buyers make more informed decisions about the property's potential.

Stay ahead of the competition by providing your clients with a comprehensive and engaging listing presentation. Choose Home Shots for professional and reliable real estate floor plan services in Berkeley.

  • Schematic Floor Plans align with reality at an impressive 94% to 99% accuracy.

  • Multiple delivery formats: JPG and PDF (upon request).

  • 1-2 Days Turnaround

1-999 sq ft: $200
1000-1999 sq ft: $250
2000-2999 sq ft: $300
3000-3999 sq ft: $350
4000-4999 sq ft: $400
5000-7000 sq ft: $500

3D Floor Plan With Materials and Furniture (3-5 Business Days Turnaround): $150


Elevate Your Berkeley Property Listings with Custom Floor Plans from
Home Shots

Nestled in the vibrant landscape of the San Francisco Bay Area, Berkeley stands as a beacon of cultural diversity, architectural uniqueness, and academic excellence. In this market, where each property tells its own story, Home Shots emerges as the preferred partner for creating custom floor plans that highlight the distinctive character of both residential and commercial spaces. Our mission? To transform your listings, making them not only seen but truly understood and appreciated by potential buyers and tenants.

The Significance of Custom Floor Plans in Berkeley’s Real Estate Scene

Berkeley’s eclectic real estate market, with its historic homes, modern apartments, and innovative commercial spaces, requires a nuanced approach to listings. Custom floor plans are instrumental in this context, providing a detailed and accurate representation of a property’s layout. They enable potential buyers and tenants to visualize the space's flow, functionality, and possibilities, thereby accelerating decision-making processes in a competitive environment.

Tailored Floor Plan Solutions for Berkeley Properties

  • Residential Floor Plans: Captivate potential buyers with detailed floor plans that showcase the unique charm and potential of Berkeley homes, from classic bungalows to contemporary lofts.

  • Commercial Floor Plans: Attract tenants and investors to your commercial listings with clear, informative floor plans that outline the utility and versatility of business spaces in Berkeley’s dynamic areas.

Dedicated to Meeting Berkeley’s Diverse Needs

Whether you're a realtor with a portfolio of historic properties, an architect designing the next standout Berkeley structure, or a property manager catering to the city’s bustling student population, Home Shots has the expertise to meet your specific requirements. We are committed to showcasing the best of Berkeley's properties, ensuring they capture the hearts and minds of your target audience.

Why Home Shots is Your Go-To for Berkeley Floor Plans

  • Expertise and Precision: Our team brings a wealth of experience and a keen eye for detail to every project, ensuring high-quality floor plans that meet Berkeley’s unique market demands.

  • Local Insight: Understanding the Berkeley real estate market allows us to tailor our services effectively, ensuring your listings resonate with local buyers’ and tenants’ expectations.

Streamlined Booking for Customized Solutions

Our booking process is simple and user-friendly: select your service, choose your ideal date and time, and confirm your booking effortlessly. For properties in Berkeley exceeding 7,000 sq ft or with unique requirements, we encourage you to visit our contact us page to discuss a customized solution. Our team is ready to work closely with you to deliver custom solutions that highlight the best aspects of your property.